We are excited to share the news that the Boat Club Tiki Bar has been totally reimagined and will be reconstructed this winter and spring with a planned opening late-June 2023!
Thank you in advance for your patience with the noise, dust, and rerouting of foot traffic to the outdoor hot tub and lakeside lawn that this work will entail. All work will occur during weekdays and normal business hours to alleviate interuptions to guests' enjoyment of the property.
Take a look with our webcam to see the current progress below: https://lodgeatwhitefishlake.com/lakecam
Below is a property map showing the location of the work highlighted in yellow and directional arrows to access the hot tub and south lakeside lawn from the condominiums.
And here are some architectural renderings to show the general concept of the NEW Tiki Bar & Grill!
Check back for updates and track the progress here.
May 20 Update: Work is advancing beautifully!
March 28th Update:
March 14th Update:
March 1st Update:
Feb 14th Update:
Feb 1st Update:
The Original Tiki Bar is long gone. Here is a peek at what it looked like Late December.